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£2 Page 6B It i-- i 'l i $rlrgrapl JfruiB SATURDAY MORNING JUNE INI Well-Known Advocate Of Creationism Coming To Macon for Seminar DuapeGIsh SVMBDOIB BBNTLBY J' i Exponents of the teaching of creation theories in schools will have one of their best-known spokesmen in Macon this weekend Dr Duane Gish a biochemist and co-founder of the tyearold Institute for Creation Research in San Diego comes to the First Presbyterian Church of Macon today at 8 pm to begin a five-day seminar on creationism The former Upjohn Co research chemist has traveled the country debating exponents of evolution tor the past five years His talks on and the will be the focus of this Macon Biblical Institute an annual program of the Presbyterian church In a telephone interview from the El Cahon Calif campus of Christian Heritage College an unaccredited four-year liberal arts college apeated by Scott Memorial Baptist Church in San Diego Gish explained why he wants creation theories taught as science and not as religion in the schools CREATION nor evolution can be considered scientific said the biochemist they deal with evidence that was not intercepted by human observers But they can be discussed in scientific terms the institute we teach from scientific the laws of thermodynamics genetics fossil records and all the same evidence that the evolutionists The evidence is the same the interpretation is different said Gish i Gish is one of a team of eight including a physicist a zoologist a geologist a hydraulic engineer a science educator and a biologist who make up the staff of the institute They have not been able to obtain the services of an anthropologist raid Gish have limited resources and right now we are most in need of someone in radlochemistTy and nudear he said According to Gish whose institute videotapes and distributes his debates with scientists such as anthropologist Dr John AT Robinson fossil records strongly support the theory of creation TEACHERS OF evolution he says teach plants and animals without any transitional forms There are no transitional forms between invertebrates nd vertebrates between amphibians and fkdies You do not find rw Drama Through Sign Language them in between stages created by the theory of Gish says it is not necessary to refer to the Bible to teach creation A lifelong believer who never saw any conflict between his Christian beliefs and scientific theories Gish says he may use the Bible as a reference in courses such as the one to be taught here but not in courses taught in secular settings He has not taught creation theory in any colleges to date but has been invited to teach part of a San Diego State University course an creation versus evolution he said Gish a Phi Beta Kappa chemist holds a doctorate from the University of California in Berkeley in bioche-misty and formerly taught biochemistry at the Cornell University Medical College in New York City He has also been on the research staff of the virus laboratory of the Univesity of California in Berkeley His research has focused on anti-cancer drugs hormones of the pituitary gland and the chemistry of a virus affecting tobacco THOUGH HE has no graduate training in biology or anthropology Gish said he has had keen in fossil records for many years and began studying creation theories seriously when he read a book of scientific evidence supporting evolution The institute does not advocate legislation requiring the teaching of creation in schools said Gish Gish will speak at the 8:30 and II am worship services at the church Sunday and again Sunday night at 7 pm Monday Tuesday and Wednesday sessions will be held at 7 pm The Jehovah's Witnesses' District Convention being held in the Macon Coliseum featured a biblical drama (above photo) with sign language instructors telling the story to the 3 deafmute section The drama was performed Thursday morning More than 90 congregations are represented at the "convention 1 i KSwseS ESsligtai DibbCouty Occasions in Religion Pastor's Appreciation Day in honor of the Rev Donald Jordan Sunday at noon with the Rev Joe HU1 pastor of Mount Salem Baptist in Gray as a guest speaker A special guest speaker will be an the program at 3 pm The public is invited First Baptist Church: 1135 Watson Btvd The Rev Glenn Sheppard will beat die church Sunday for the morning and evening wonhip services services will be held at 5 pm with Cynthia Knight as guest speaker Stlaosavflfe Baptist Church: The Fellowship Union will hold a special service Sunday at the church at 2:30 pm with the Rev CC Janes delivering the sermon All deacons of the Baptist Union and friends are invited New Griswaldvflte Baptist: 3003 Truitt Place The Mother Board will sponsor a fellowship program Sunday at 1 pm with the Rev Morris Sandifer and members of Congregational Baptist Church serving as guests Mount Msriah Baptist Church: 2780Millerfieid Road The misrianary society will present a program at 4 pm Simday Hattie Bynes of Tremont Baptist Church will speak Greater Little Reck Baptist: 1004 Felton Ave The annual and Women's Day celebration will be held Sunday at 3 pm with the Rev Morris Sandifer and members of Congregational Baptist church serving as Middle Cewgto First Affiance Church: 3229 Bloomfield DriveL A special musical program of win be held Sunday at 7 pm The public is invited to attend Tremont Temple Baptist Church: 880 Forsyth St The General Missionary Department is presenting MoaeUa Binford and deacon WA Mace in concert Sunday at 6 pm Gospel Concert: There will be a gospel concert July 5 at 8 pm at Macon's Grand Opera House The concert wiU feature the Dixie Echoes the Primitive Quartet the Sunny South the Trebbies and the Samaritans Lizzie Chand Baptist Church: 1175 Bartlett St The Young Choir will present its annual conceit Sunday at 5 pm Dry Branch Church ef Gad In Christ: The Joyful Clouds of Joy from Junction City Ga will perform todayat8pm Foursquare Gospel Church: 4290 Houston Ave The Dixie Travelers will sing Sunday at 7 pm The public is invited There is no admission charge VtaevUle Baptist Church: 2591 Vineville Ave The Handbell Ringers from First Presbyterian Church of Red Bank NJ will givea miniconcert at both the 8:45 and 11 am services Mount Pleasant Baptist Church: Route 8 near Lizella The church will feature the Fifth Sunday Night Sing with the White Oaks Gospel Quartet at 7 pm Sunday The public is invited White Springs Baptist Church: Lizella A 12 month calendar program will be presented Sunday at 5 pm in the form of a musical First Baptist Church: 511 High Place Frank Boggs internationally known singer will sing Sunday at 7 pm Garden of Gethseaane Christian FeBowshlp: The fellowship will meet today at 11 am at the Family Inn Motel at Thomaston Road and Interstate WR The guest speaker will be evangelist Lee Esther Ivory of Atlanta Everyone is invited to attend LlpM of the World HaHaess Church: 1M0 Bailey Ave The church will celebrate a Family Affair Day Sunday with a program at 2 pirn HoasMa Aveaae Christa Church: 3830 Houston Ave The church will hold a service of Licensing to the Christian Ministry of Jerry Beck Sunday at 11:15 am BU Boyd will be the guest speaker Luaday Chapel Brads! Church: Men and Women's Day will be celebrated Sunday at 2:30 pm with the Rev Charlie Williams as the guest speaker Greater Vhwvflfc Repast Church: The church's dea coness board will be observing its 29th anniversary Sunday at 5 pm The Rev Timothy Hemming pastor of the Greater Mount Carmel Baptist Church of Atlanta and members will be guests Dinner will be served The public is invited to attend First Christian Church: 2308 VineviUe Ave There will be a Fellowship Hour following the morning worship Also there will be a CYF picnic at Lake Tabeaofkee after the morning aervice Raas Temple Baptist Church: 1401 Bertaer Ave The senior raher board wiHholdapew rally Sunday at 5 pm The Rev Lewis Lockett will be the Bradley The church will continue to hold the first District Union 108th session today at 10 am Basnssvffii 1 sptfst Tshnnaclr: Route lBamesville There will be a youth revival July 4 and 5 at 7:30 pm Speakers for July 4 will be Danny Haire a student at Tennessee Temple University and Rolfe Henry of Bryan College hi Tennessee Speakers for July 5 will be Charles Long of Thomaston and Walter Henry of Marietta WRBams Chapel CJLE Church: Jeffersonville The Young Adult Gospel Singers of Williams Chapel and First Baptist Church will present a gospel concert at 6 pm Sunday Wesley dwpel AJLE Church: 49 Ben Ave Mill-edgevtlie The men of the church will celebrate their Annual Day Program with Richard Hood of aker Sunday at 11 am Stubbs Chapel Baptist: The annual and Day celebration will be held Sunday at 1 pm with Ruth George of Atlanta and the Rev WE Hubbard of Atlanta serving as guest speakers Church of God of Prophecy: The Church of God of Prophecy will hold its annual state convention in Macon Thursday through July The convention will be held at the Macon Municipal Auditorium with programs starting at 1pm Thursday and continuing from 9 am to 10 pm dotty dismissing at 1 pm July A The public is nmflo w) mcno Special Speakers Congregational Baptist ChurCh: 888 Hazel St Addie Lynette Hudson will be the guest speaker for Youth Day on Sunday at 11am She is the daughter of Dr and Mrs Alvin Hudson of Macon Rferaiflrhl Baptist Church: 4261 Bloomfield Road Maggie Davis will be the guest speaker for and Women's Day Sunday at 3 pm St Ldc Baptist dauch: 1180 Hollywood Road The Rev Charles Conyers will be the Youth Day speaker Sunday at 11am Harmony Baptist Church: 1850 Second Ave The Swift Creek Baptist Church will be in conceit Sunday at 6 pm Daamacus Baptist Church: 3475 Hollingsworth Road The Rev Leon Ward will be guest speaker at the morning wonhip services at noon Damascus CJLE Church: Lizella The Men's and Day program will be held Sunday at 11 The speaker will be the Rev Fred Davis Irirife Church of the Nsaanae: 4UB Hartley Bridge Road Jim Turnock from Mannheim West Germany wifi be at the church Friday at 7 pm Turnock has a presentation of puppets slides and music Everyone is SL Mark CJLE Charch: Off Knoxville Road Lizella Fellowship services will be held Monday through Wednesday at 7:9 pm The ptfbUc is Invited to attend Tartar MB CeraiamRy Center Aadherkan: Georgia 115 Pottersville A Gospel Singing Jamboree featuring The Young Believers from Columbus Ala the Samaritans from Warner Robins and the Mickler Family from Macon will be held Tuesday Admission is free and everybody is welcome For more information call (912) 847-4500 People New FeBewshfo Baptist Church: 475 Church St The Rev Kenneth Grayson the mass choir and members of Liberty Baptist Church of Newark NJ will be special gureu today and Sunday Tonight at 7: 30 the church will hold a welcoming musical presentation Grayson win drifter Sundays 11 am massages and the Thig Column for You ba Are a revival or Jackson Receives Degree: Bobby Jackson of Macon has received a degree in theology from Tennessee Temple University in Chatta-nooga Term Jackson the son of Mr and Mrs Ninas Jackson of Lizella is a graduate of Dudley Hughes High School and a former member of Paw Forest Baptist Church HniIm Peach tsreaw aarer year csaMig actmoos that Special Music 1 take place for ages 3 through grade i July 14 to July lfc from 0 to mdaify Nralar Arenas Caareh of God: The State Campmeet- lag of the Churches of God ta Northern Georgia wifi convene Jne 30 through July at the DonviBe Camp-ground located on Ui 9 north of Interstate 285 The PWWC WiUPU 10 liWBO Bads Baptist Church: 3837 Houston Ave Patriotic Day a special celebration of the Fourth of July will be held Sunday at 11 am Ed Starr and the adult choir will lead the congregation in a recitation of songs and pledges The public is invited to attend JaaMS Tabernacle HeRneaa Church: Cowan Street The the Sipet-Home Tea Program will climax at the church Sunday at 7 pm with a musical program The public is invited 1: 1112 Eastview Ave Youth Day The! 4187 Macao Ga re open Is Prfe or type the and mafi to ef Telegraph and News PO 312121 Cam must he given First Baptist Church: 511 High Place Frank Boggs will be in concert Sunday at 7 pm There is no admission charge Trinity United Methwfist Church: IS South Houston Road Warner Robms Trinity United Methodist's men are holding a garage sale in the youth building of Trinity today Contact Ken Poling at 92M6M to make donations Waner Rebias CJLE Church: The church will hold a.
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