100k xp Necromancy lamp (requires level 75), 100k xp Archaeology lamp (requires level 86), Zorgoth's ring, 'Soulfarer' Title, Access to Ungael ritual site, Ungael Teleport incantation, Ability to teleport to the Ungael ritual site using Underworld Grimoire 2
Step 1: "Talk to Aster in the Fort Forinthry Town Hall. Talk about quests and select Requiem for a Dragon and accept the quest when prompted. You will learn that Vorkath is still "alive," for lack of a better word. You will need to visit Ungael and investigage."Step 2: "Make sure you have 5 free inventory spaces and whatever you need for combat with some unimportant enemies of level 85. For the most part you will just need to endure the damage they throw at you but you can kill them to keep them from bothering you if you prefer. READ THE NEXT STEP BEFORE YOU COMPLETE THIS ONE, AS YOU WILL BE ATTACKED AS SOON AS YOU ARRIVE!Make your way to the Grove cabin and use the rowboat docked there to travel to Ungael, choosing to continue the quest when prompted."Step 3: "As soon as you arrive, you will be in the presence of by 8 hostile Zamorakian scouts (level 85). They do significant Ranged damage, so Protect from/Deflect Ranged is helpful here. You can choose to kill them if you like, but you also can simply ignore them and run North West past them and enter the colossal cave.Note: Dying here is considered a safe death. You will respawn by the Grove cabin rowboat with nothing lost."Step 4: "Follow the path North to the Ungael ritual site and click to approach Vorkath just West of it. Choose the following options to progress and obtain a Crystal shard:
- "Reach out your hand. (friendly)" (Chat option 2)
- "Keep your hand extended. (friendly)" (Chat option 2)
- "Encourage Vorkath. (friendly)" (Chat option 2)
- "Try not to shiver. (friendly)" (Chat option 2)
- "Study the creature. (neutral)" (Chat option 2)
- "Lay the dragon's soul to rest. (Necromancy)" (Chat option 2)
"Step 5: "Inspect the crystal shard and complete the dialog, then head South, exiting the cave, and then North East to get into the Ungael ruins."Step 6: "Continue North through the ruins until you reach an imposing statue, then interact with the door on the South wall to pass through it."Step 7: "You will now have to undergo a short combat encounter. Continue South West until you reach the Translater (level 75). Kill them and pick up the Zamorakian translator's notes that they drop."[I will have to pull an image from the recording for this step]Step 8: "Read the Zamorakian translator's notes, then search the bookcase on the North wall to obtain Zorgoth's Journal and read it as well."Step 9: "Search the shelves just South East of the bookcase to obtain a Broken focus, then inspect the dragonkin mural on the East wall."Step 10: "Head South of the Archivist and pick up the Congealed potion on the floor, then talk to the Archivist and go through all the chat options."Step 11: "Return to Fort Forinthry and go down the floor hatch outside the East wall of the Command Centre."Step 12: "Speak to Zemouregal in his cell. Choose the following options to progress:
- "Mock his skeletal form." (Chat option 3)
- "Remind him of the other times you've defeated him." (Chat option 1)
- "I have a soul and you don't." (Chat option 1)
- "What did you do to Vorkath?" (Chat option 3)
- "I've heard enough." (Chat option 4)
"Step 13: "Make your way to the City of Um and talk to Death about the quest. He'll tell you that necromancers of the past would never have considered a ritual to help Vorkath pass on but he might have a lead. Ask him what the lead is (Chat option 3) and he'll tell you to talk to the Tree of Balance."Step 14: "Head to the Tree of Balance, located South of the Archaeology Guild. Strike up a conversation about the quest. You can go through all the chat options to learn about the lore surrounding the site upon which the Tree was planted, or you can simply ask to get straight to the point (Chat option 3). You will learn that the parts of the beacon were destroyed and brought to Guthix's Memorial.Note: The fastest ways to reach the Tree of Balance are to use the Archaeology journal or a Digsite pendant to teleport to the Archaeology Guild and then going South. Alternatively, you can use the Varrock lodestone and run East."Step 15: "Make your way to the Memorial of Guthix. Just South of the Memorial, uncover the 2 Fertile soil hotspots. Excavate until you have obtained a Damaged soul beacon (base) from one of them and a Damaged soul beacon (core) from the other. There isn't a reason to use a Grace of the Elves or Signs of the Porter, as there is a material storage container just North East of the hotspots.Note: The fastest ways to reach the Memorial to Guthix are to use the Sixth-age circuit or Memory strands to teleport there. Alternatively, you can use the Eagles' Peak lodestone and go North West."Step 16: "Return to the Tree of Balance and talk to it again. It will simply say, "Be whole" and the two parts will become a Damaged soul beacon."Step 17: "Make sure you have your 5 Greater ensouled bars with you and restore it at an Archaeology workbench (this will also require 30 White marble and 30 White oak) to obtain a Soul beacon. Return and speak with the Tree of Balance once again. Choose the following chat options:
- Deduce the glyph order." (Chat option 1)
- "Change" (Chat option 4)
- "Elemental" (Chat option 1)
- "Commune" (Chat option 2)
- "Change" (Chat option 4)
"Step 18: "Return to Death in the City of Um. He will tell you that the ritual must be completed twice: once in Um to create an anchor point to which you can draw Vorkath's soul, and once near Vorkath proper."Step 19: "Go to the Um ritual site and select the "Soulfarer" ritual. Draw 1 Elemental II glyph, 2 Change II glyphs, and 1 Commune II glyph. Place 6 light sources, then perform the ritual."[Because of camera nonsense the minimap will need to be spliced, see step19minimapbase]Step 20: "Go to the Fort Forinthry Grove cabin and tale the rowboat back to Ungael. Enter the colossal cave once more and head North to the ritual site."Step 21: "Repair all of the ritual site's ruined spots: 5 glyph spots, 6 light source spots, the focus pedestal, and the ritual platform. Set up all the glyphs and light sources as you did for the ritual in Um, then prepare for combat. Make sure you bring the Soul beacon, which should have been placed back in your inventory after the first ritual. The other quest items can all be put in the bank or destroyed (the vast majority cannot be placed in the bank)."Step 22: "Attempt to start the ritual and a cutscene will occur in which Bilrach, Vengeance, and a mysterious relic will arrive to interfere with your ritual."Step 23: "Read this whole step before you attempt to do the ritual again! While you are trying to perform it, Vengeance and Bilrach will be trying to prevent you from finishing it. There are two things to look out for while you do this:
- Vengeance will appear on the ritual site and attack you. She strikes with melee abilities and has over 50,000 lifepoints. Kill her whenever she does.
- Shadow rifts will appear on the ritual site. While they are present you will lose progress on the ritual, prolonging the time for Vengeance to kill you.
Unfortunately, regardless of how well you do, Bilrach will finish his work before the ritual completes."[image will need to be pulled from recording]Step 24: "Head West to Vorkath's body and inspect it. Be sure to complete the dialog or you won't be able to progress."Step 25: "Make your way back to the City of Um. Head to the South side near the troll cave and Ghostly sole fishing spot to find Vorkath and click to approach him."Step 26: "Teleport to the Fort Forinthry lodestone and and go down the floor hatch outside the East wall of the Command Centre. Once below, talk to Zemouregal in his cell to complete the quest and claim your rewards."Post Quest: "After the quest, talk to the Archivist at the Ungael ritual site while wearing Zorgoth's ring. Once you have completed the dialog, continue to wear the ring and perform any rituals you prefer at that site (exception: communion rituals cannot be performed outside of Um). Each time you complete a ritual, there is a chance that it will become Zorgoth's soul ring and complete the achievement "A Reptile's Dysfunction," which is a requirement for the completionist's cape. The more rituals performed, the higher the chance of upgrading the ring, with a guaranteed completion at 100 rituals."Ungael Ritual Site: "The Ungael Ritual Site functions very similarly to the Um Ritual Site, but has a few key differences. For starters, there is a bank chest right near the focus storage and ritual chest, allowing easier accessing materials. The ritual components all have 20% more durability (rounded down), which makes ritual work that requires less attention (especially since the disturbances also last slightly longer). The tradeoff is that both disturbances and the rituals themselves award 20% less experience than if they were done at the Um Ritual Site. In addition, because it isn't near your Well of souls, communion rituals cannot be performed. The real benefit comes from the fact that you have access to the entire ritual site as soon as you unlock it, allowing for more alteration glyphs before level 90 Necromancy."