Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (2024)

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Last updated on 1 de ago. de 2024

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Identifique suas aspirações


Buscar diversidade e relevância


Observe e emule


Pergunte e ouça


Aplicar e experimentar


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Modelos e mentores positivos podem inspirá-lo, desafiá-lo e guiá-lo em seu crescimento pessoal e profissional. Eles também podem ajudá-lo a desenvolver seus pontos fortes, superar seus pontos fracos e alcançar seus objetivos. Mas como você pode encontrar e aprender com eles de forma eficaz? Aqui estão algumas dicas para ajudá-lo a se beneficiar da sabedoria e experiência de outras pessoas em seu campo.

Pontos principais deste artigo

  • Emulate and adapt:

    Observe your role models' behaviors and integrate their best practices into your own unique style. This helps you develop personally while maintaining authenticity in your professional growth.

  • Keep a growth journal:

    Documenting insights from mentors in a journal allows reflection on progress and pinpoints where their guidance was most transformative, fostering continuous personal and professional development.

Este resumo é fornecido pela IA e por esses especialistas

  • Vedha (✌️) Bharathi Head of Wellbeing Partnerships @ Heart…
  • 🚀Yana L. 💡 Top Personal Coaching Voice |…

1 Identifique suas aspirações

Antes de procurar modelos e mentores, você precisa ter uma ideia clara do que deseja alcançar e por quê. Quais são seus valores, paixões e propósito? Quais são seus objetivos de curto e longo prazo? Quais habilidades e qualidades você deseja aprimorar ou adquirir? Ter uma visão para si mesmo ajudará você a identificar as pessoas que se alinham com suas aspirações e podem apoiá-lo ao longo do caminho.

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  • Shane McConigly Executive Performance Coach to 100+ Leaders and Elite Athletes | Globally Accredited Evidence-Based and Results-Driven Performance Coaching, where we measurably improve your growth to lead and perform better.
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    Create a vision board that visually represents your short-term and long-term objectives. Include images, quotes, and symbols that resonate with your goals.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (11) 3

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    From my own journey, I've found that diversifying mentorship sources enriches learning. Each mentor brings unique insights and experiences to the table, broadening your perspective. Actively seek out those who challenge your thinking and align with your values. Remember, mentorship isn't just about receiving advice—it's about forming meaningful connections and growing together. So, cast a wide net and embrace the wisdom of diverse voices in your field.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (20) 1

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    From my journey, diversify mentor sources. Each offers unique insights, enriching learning. Seek diverse voices, aligning with your values. Mentorship fosters growth through meaningful connections. Embrace those challenging your thinking, aiding holistic development. Cast wide nets, embracing wisdom from various backgrounds. Remember, it’s not just advice; it’s shared growth. Soak in diverse perspectives, craft your path.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (29) 1

  • Sanya S.
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    As we refine our skills, it is crucial to observe the work of role models and seek guidance through questioning. Implementing behaviors that we recognize as advantageous, even if they are not innate to us, is particularly important. Embracing these actions is the pathway to personal and professional growth.


  • Mykim Tran, PhD Humanistic Psychologist | I Help Individuals Develop Authentic Lifestyles | Keynote Speaker | Inspirational Leader | Author
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    The people who inspire you to make a difference in life are the best people to become your role models. Most likely, they hold similar strengths, talents, and passions as you. You can learn from different through in-person events, reading books and articles, watching videos, listening to podcasts, or if you are lucky, they can personally mentor you.


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2 Buscar diversidade e relevância

Você não precisa se limitar a um modelo ou mentor. Você pode aprender com diferentes pessoas que têm diferentes origens, perspectivas e conhecimentos. No entanto, você também deve procurar relevância e compatibilidade. Escolha modelos e mentores que tenham alcançado algo semelhante ao que você deseja alcançar, que compartilhem seus valores e interesses e que possam se relacionar com seus desafios e oportunidades.

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    "We can always learn from people who have diverse backgrounds and professional experiences. Diversity can provide a broader perspective and a richer understanding of our field.Additionally, learning from individuals at various career stages, even from those newly qualified or less experienced, can offer valuable insights into different career paths and stages of growth.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (54) Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (55) 8

  • Shane McConigly Executive Performance Coach to 100+ Leaders and Elite Athletes | Globally Accredited Evidence-Based and Results-Driven Performance Coaching, where we measurably improve your growth to lead and perform better.
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    Assign specific learning goals to each mentor based on their unique strengths and achievements. For example, one mentor might help you with strategic thinking, while another focuses on leadership skills.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (64) 3

  • Vedha (✌️) Bharathi Head of Wellbeing Partnerships @ Heart It Out | Creating safe spaces to rediscover your best you!


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    The best mentors put you first, above themselves. That's not to say, they would agree with everything you say, but they know that your success does not undermine theirs. Compatibility is important when choosing your mentors, but you also need someone to challenge you. I am so proud to have had such mentors throughout my life. When I started my career, I had the most nurturing mentor who taught me patiently and held my hand through my mistakes. When I moved up to become a leader, I had a different mentor who challenged me in every way possible. Whatever I did, he expected better. Finally, as an entrepreneur, I had a mentor who taught me how to mentor others. He showed me that listening is the most important part of mentoring!



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (73) 2

  • Adam Tank Automating Preliminary Design Engineering For Water EPC's, Utilities, and OEM's
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    In my own experience, the best mentors are the ones that challenge you in ways you never thought possible. They ask relevant questions and help you clarify your thinking. Rarely (if ever) do they provide the answer - they let you come to a conclusion on your own. They also often emulate the same values you hold, or those you aspire to hold. This makes it easier to make decisions as you live your life - once you have a clear framework for how to make certain choices, the choices become easier.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (82) 1

  • Ceylan Kumbarji Founder of Shared. (formerly Taylor Magazine) and Freelance Influencer Marketing
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    I’ve definitely found that I’ve been able to benefit from having different role models for different things. There are huge benefits to getting to know about other experiences and perspectives - for me personally, it encourages enthusiasm and optimism to look at people who have accomplished things that I want to accomplish. It also inspires me to keep learning as much as possible, and to see how things can come to fruition.



3 Observe e emule

Uma das maneiras mais simples de aprender com modelos e mentores é observar como eles se comportam, se comunicam e performam. O que eles fazem de diferente ou melhor do que os outros? Como lidam com dificuldades e contratempos? Como expressam suas ideias e opiniões? Como eles interagem com os outros??? Tente emular suas melhores práticas e hábitos, adaptando-os ao seu próprio estilo e contexto.

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  • Shane McConigly Executive Performance Coach to 100+ Leaders and Elite Athletes | Globally Accredited Evidence-Based and Results-Driven Performance Coaching, where we measurably improve your growth to lead and perform better.
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    If possible, arrange to shadow your mentors or role models in their daily activities. This direct observation allows you to see firsthand how they handle various situations, make decisions, and interact with others.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (99) Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (100) 4

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    Observing their behavior, communication, and the way they handle conflict is a great way to learn from our mentors. Even when we notice their weaknesses, it can still be a valuable lesson. By reflecting on their best practices and habits and adapting them to our own style and context, we can enhance our personal and professional development.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (109) 3

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    I've had the opportunity to be mentored by some of the biggest names in the industry- I've noticed that the greats have a few things in common. They treat people well, are conscise with communication, and know how to be transparent. There is no winning in the shadows. They champion success, they learn from failure and are willing to try new things. As I've grown my own practice with some of these principles- I've had to learn how to adapt them for me, my audience, team, partners and network. There is a beautiful intersection between learning, being open- and teaching others that the feeling that they have of "not being enough" isn't just industry specific. It can impact and affect any of us. Being open to new ideas is #1.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (118) 1

  • Vedha (✌️) Bharathi Head of Wellbeing Partnerships @ Heart It Out | Creating safe spaces to rediscover your best you!
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    As a leader one of the important things to learn is how to lead other to a solution. A good mentor teaches you how to help your team find a solution on their own and even if the solution comes from you, how to position it in such a way that they feel involved in that process. One of my mentors, when we were brainstorming product features, used to have sessions where everyone in the team would have to add one suggestion to the feature and also come up with both the advantages and disadvantages of that suggestion. Not only did this help us add more features, but it also helped each of us critically evaluate our own suggestions.


  • Mykim Tran, PhD Humanistic Psychologist | I Help Individuals Develop Authentic Lifestyles | Keynote Speaker | Inspirational Leader | Author
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    Another effective way to learn from role models is to pay attention to their behaviors. Whatever they are doing, you can learn to do the same things. You can either directly as them or learn to apply the behaviors on your own. For example, if your role model shows confidence, you can either ask him or her to share with you how to increase your confidence, or you can learn to increase your self-confidence on your own. Whatever you see in your role model, you can achieve the same.



4 Pergunte e ouça

Outra maneira de aprender com modelos e mentores é fazer perguntas e ouvir seus conselhos. Você pode perguntar a eles sobre seu plano de carreira, suas conquistas, seus fracassos, suas lições aprendidas, suas dicas e truques, suas recomendações e seu feedback. Seja curioso, respeitoso e de mente aberta. Ouça ativa e atentamente. Faça anotações e reflita sobre o que eles dizem.

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  • Judith Pinkerton, LPMT, MT-BC Licensed, Board-Certified Music Therapist | Music Therapy Expert | Mental Health, Healing, Performance | Transforming Lives with Music
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    In my experience, learning from positive role models and mentors in your field involves a proactive approach. Start by clearly defining your goals and aspirations to identify mentors who align with your vision. Seek out diverse mentors to gain varied perspectives and challenge your thinking. Engage actively by observing their methods, asking insightful questions, and listening carefully to their advice. Most importantly, apply what you learn in your context, experimenting with different strategies and techniques to find what best suits your style and objectives. This iterative process of learning and application fosters personal and professional growth.



5 Aplicar e experimentar

Finalmente, a maneira mais importante de aprender com modelos e mentores é aplicar o que você aprende e experimentar novas abordagens. Não basta copiá-los ou segui-los cegamente. Use seus insights e sugestões como um ponto de partida, não como um ponto final. Procure implementar suas estratégias e técnicas em suas próprias situações e projetos. Avalie os resultados e ajuste de acordo. Aprenda com sua própria experiência e feedback.

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    While we all have our strengths and weaknesses, simply copying role models or mentors won't work well as it may hinder us from performing authentically. Authenticity is crucial for personal and professional success. It's important to apply the insights and strategies we learn from them in a way that suits our own practices. This allows us to develop our unique persona, drawing from our experiences.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (151) Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (152) 2

  • Mykim Tran, PhD Humanistic Psychologist | I Help Individuals Develop Authentic Lifestyles | Keynote Speaker | Inspirational Leader | Author
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    The rule of thumb to learn successfully from role models and mentors is to apply the 80/20 percent rule. 80% means you learn and apply what they are teaching. 20% means you use your creativity to tweet the teaching a little bit that fits your lifestyle because everyone lives a different lifestyle. It is the 20% of tweeting that will make your life unique and successful.



6 Veja o que mais considerar

Este é um espaço para compartilhar exemplos, histórias ou insights que não se encaixam em nenhuma das seções anteriores. O que mais gostaria de acrescentar?

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  • Vedha (✌️) Bharathi Head of Wellbeing Partnerships @ Heart It Out | Creating safe spaces to rediscover your best you!
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    As you progress in your career, your mentoring needs may evolve, and so too might your mentors. However, it's important to stay connected with your mentors consistently. Not solely for potential future needs or to convey gratitude, although that's important. You keep in touch because mentoring, much like any other relationship, isn't a transactional affair to be used and then discarded.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (169) 2

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    Additionally, one can document the journey of learning from role models and mentors. Keeping a journal or a log of key takeaways, inspirations, and applied lessons can be incredibly valuable. This not only serves as a personal record of growth and development but also helps in pinpointing specific areas where a role model's influence has been most impactful. Reflecting on these records over time can provide deeper insights into one’s professional evolution and the lasting impact of mentorship and role modeling.



    Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (178) 3

Psicologia positiva Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (179)

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Como você pode aprender com modelos positivos e mentores em sua área? (2024)
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Author: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Author information

Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

Birthday: 1994-06-25

Address: Suite 153 582 Lubowitz Walks, Port Alfredoborough, IN 72879-2838

Phone: +128413562823324

Job: IT Strategist

Hobby: Video gaming, Basketball, Web surfing, Book restoration, Jogging, Shooting, Fishing

Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.