Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas (2024)

THE ABILENE REPORTER-NEWS Abilene, Texas, Sunday Morning, July 26, 1964 photo by Rodden Studio MRS. O. J. COOPER HI the former Barbara Jean Hamil Rub on the Bowl If you like just a suspicion of garlic in a salad, rub the empty salad bowl with a cut clove of the garlic rather than mincing or crushing it and adding it to the vegetables. FACTORY OUTLET SHOES FINAL MARKDOWN Famous Italian wedges and sandals.

Values to $9.95. Select from 950 pairs in white, natural, black and multi colors. '5 Famous name flats. Values to $12.95. Select from 1200 pairs.

Flat heel and dressy casuals. Select from white, bone, black and red. Dress shoes and stacked heel casuals. Values to $18.95. Select from 100's of pairs.

White, bone, black, and grey in potents and calfskins. High heel dress shoes. Mony styles and colors. Values to $26.95 USE OUR LAYAWAY Bands FACTORY OUTLET SHOES 3392 N. 1st "OAKWOOD VILLAGE" Davises on Wedding Trip to New Mexico After a wedding trip to Mexico, Mr.

and Mrs. William Lewis Davis II will be at home at 418 Saddlewood. They were married Saturday evening in candlelight rites read in First Methodist Church. Officiating for the double ring ceremony were the Rev. Dallas D.

Dension of Sweetwater and Dr. Hubert Thomson. The bride is the former Darlene Rees, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. S.

K. Rees of 410 Fannin. Mr. and Mrs. W.

L. Davis 3365 Sayles Blvd. are parents of the bridegroom. Wedding music was presented by R. B.

Edmundson, organist, and the Rev. and Mrs. Gene Moore, vocalists. Sue and Bev- Test With Straw "Try a cake with a broomstraw." old fashioned recipes used to direct. Nowadays there are wire cake straws available for testing that cake before it comes out of the oven.

Hamil-Cooper Nuptials Read in Anson Church ANSON (RNS) Barbara Jean Hamil, the daughter of Mr. and 1 Mrs. C. M. Hamil, was married Friday evening to 0.

J. Cooper III of Hawley in the Anson Church of Christ. Vows were read by Mr. Curtis Ramey, Church of Christ minister. Cooper is the son of Mr.

and Mrs. 0. J. Cooper II of Hawley. Paula Sosebee was maid of honor.

Wanda co*ker and Geneva Gilbreath were bridesmaids. Flower girl was Donell Hamil. Jimmy Wayne Owens was best man. Ushers were Eddie Farnsworth and Fred and Eddie Hamil, brothers of the bride. Billy John Edwards and Benny Michaels of Rochester were groomsmen.

Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a dress of silk organza over taffeta, complimented with lace. She carried a bouquet of white carna- Make Sides High When you turn cake batter into its pan, it's usually a good idea to have the sides a little higher than the middle. tions. Her veil of illusion was held by a crown of seed pearls. Attendants wore pink peau de soie dresses with matching pill box hats with veils of illusion.

The reception was held in the church annex. After a wedding trip to New Mexico the couple will reside in Arlington. The bride and bridegroom are graduates of Anson High School and attended Abilene Christian College. The rehearsal dinner at Jack's Steak House was hosted by the bridegroom's parents. Don't Overcrowd Washer With Sheets When doing the family wash, remember that king-size sheets have just about double the yardage and weight of regularsheets.

They need space to swirl around in sudsy water. It's a good idea to balance the load in the washing machine with several smaller items rather than crowding with other sheets. were her mother, Mrs. Luther L. Davison and Mrs.

Wendell G. Faulks, mother of the prospective bridegroom. Lavender and white table decor emphasized colors chosen for the Aug. 8 wedding. Lavender, candles burned in silver holders flanking the centerpiece of pink and lavender gladioli.

Beverly Abbott and Patti Powell served. The bride-elect was wearing a beige and white ensemble PARTY HONOREE Patsye Abbott, left, was honored at a gift party Friday evening in the home of Mrs. Carl Dunlap, 4013 S. 14th St. Receiving with her was her mother, Mrs.

Luther L. Davidson. Miss Abbott will be married Aug. 8 to Glenn Faulks. (Staff Photo) Pre-Nuptial Fete Honors Miss Abbott Patsye Abbott, bride-elect of with corsage of white carGlenn Faulks, was compliment- nations.

ed Friday evening at a gift par- Approximately 40 guests atty in the home of Mrs. tended the event. Carl Dunlap, 4013 S. 14th St. Co-hostess was Mrs.

Roscoe Powell. Peggy Abbott, sister of the honoree, Receiving with registered the bride callers. elect FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE ON YOUR DRY CLEANING The Village Cleaners Norge Laundry and Dry Cleaning Village 1419 BARROW OR 3-3561 Foam- Spray Milk Pleases Consumers Bishop lighted candles. The bride was given in mar, riage by her father. She wore a gown silk organza and chantilly lace with scalloped sabrina neckline and long sleeves.

Back of the bouffant skirt was of lace-edged tiers and extended into chapel train. The skirt front was scattered with lace medallions, and in inverted pleat was inset with chantilly lace. A crown of orange blossoms held her waist length veil with blusher. She carried a cascade of white roses and gardenias on a white Bible. Kathlene Tyler was maid of honor and Kay Haynes was bridesmaid.

Their dresses of blue satin had scalloped necklines and short sleeves. Headdresses were blue cabbage roses with circlets of blue tulle, and their flowers were colonial bouquets of frenched carnations. Best man was Tommy Broyles of Red River, N.M. Jim Alex-1 ander was groomsman, and Steve Smith, Dan Farmer, Jack Anderson and Jerry Mulkey of Irving were ushers. Reception was in Fellowship Hall of the church.

Both the bride and bridegroom are graduates of Abilene High School. She is attending Abilene Beauty College and he is a senior student at HardinSimmons University. He is employed by Electronics. The bridegroom's parents were hosts for the rehearsal dinner at El Charro Restaurant. a photo by Cole Studio MRS.

WILLIAM LEWIS DAVIS IL the former Darlene Rees Here's Easy Way To Measure Fat Refrigerated shortening is hard to pack into a measuring cup. If your recipe calls for cup of solid shortening, put cup of cold water into a 1-cup measAdd the fat, pushing it under the water until the water stands at the 1-cup mark. Pour out the water and you have a cup of fat. Consumers who received samples of foam-spray-dried whole milk at the U. S.

Department of Agriculture's Food and Home Fair in April are indicating an enthusiastic response to the new product, according to the USDA. Scientists of USDA's Agricul-1 tural Research Service, who developed this experimental product, are working to improve it still further. Foam-spray drying is an inexpensive new process in which compressed nitrogen is injected into a milk concentrate before TALL: Write for Your free TALL GIRL Catalogue "TEXAS' ORIGINAL TALL 1924 MAIN STREET DALLAS, TEXAS 75201 Edd's Studio 717 BUTTERNUT SPECIAL GET ACQUAINTED OFFER 3 DAYS ONLY 27-28-29 1-8x10 or 11x14 FOR ONLY BLACK WHITE PORTRAIT 958 Only One Edd's Studio Advertising Offer Per Family Within 90 Days, Please Group Portraits Are $1.00 Additional FALL SEWING will be here soon Let George Miller repair your Sewing Machine, Buttonholers, grind your pinking shears or sharpen your scissors. 30 years experience. Parts and tools George C.

Miller for all makes. Reasonane PICK UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. MILLER'S SEWING MACHINE ELECRIC SHOP 1858 Sycamore Dial OR 3-8732 CALL OR 4-3401 For Appointment this is speranto Here is a brilliant new furniture design- -Esperanto as universal in scope as the international language for which it i is named. Esperanto expresses the unique compatibility of many Mediterranean moods and the full character of its old world beauty and classic elegance is dramatically translated 240 for contemporary living. In Esperanto, the intricate detailing and unusual design motifs capture the drama and excitement of the 17th and 18th century Romance countries.

Drexel combines it all with great flair in this multi-faceted 18 20 collection that lends itself to bedroom, dining room and living room settings with spectacular effect. most trusted name in furniture this is Drexel Crumbled Bacon Adds Flavor Cook several extra pieces of bacon at breakfast time; wrap and refrigerate. bacon next day and let it give extra flavor to a vegetable creamed spinach, buttered snap beans or green peas. MART NORTH FIRST PIONEER OR 2-3552.

Abilene Reporter-News from Abilene, Texas (2024)
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